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Online HomeSchooling Zero Risk of Corona Virus Infection

The Cambridge Academy is one of the Premier private online schools for PreK-12 located in the US. It is a 100% safe environment. We warmly welcome students from all continents and countries, including those who. are hardest hit by school closures brought on by the coronavirus.

In order to accomodate new students, we are offering a month-to-month enrollment period for those students at risk of contracting the corona virus. Any child who has been exposed to someone with the virus is at higher risk of becoming infected. You may not know if your child has been exposed to someone with the virus. Any child who suffers from a chronic illness such as diabetes, asthma, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, and others are at increased risk of becoming infected by the coronavirus. Any child who has been exposed to a visitor from China is at increased risk of becoming ill from the coronavirus.

If you are concerned, speak to your trusted healthcare official immediately. Time is of utmost importance in treatment, containment and prevention.

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